Aesi Multiprecision
C++ class library of long integer arithmetic for GPU parallelization
No Matches
Aesi< bitness > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Aesi< bitness >, including all inherited members.

Aesi() noexcept=defaultAesi< bitness >
Aesi(const Aesi &copy) noexcept=defaultAesi< bitness >
Aesi(Integral value) noexceptAesi< bitness >inline
Aesi(const Char *ptr, std::size_t size) noexceptAesi< bitness >inline
Aesi(const Char(&literal)[arrayLength]) noexceptAesi< bitness >inline
Aesi(String &&stringView) noexceptAesi< bitness >inline
Aesi(const String &stringView) noexcept (defined in Aesi< bitness >)Aesi< bitness >inline
Aesi(const Aeu< bitness > &value)Aesi< bitness >inlineexplicit
bitCount() const noexcept -> std::size_tAesi< bitness >inline
byteCount() const noexcept -> std::size_tAesi< bitness >inline
compareTo(Integral integral) const noexcept -> ComparisonAesi< bitness >inline
compareTo(const Aesi< otherBitness > &value) const noexcept -> ComparisonAesi< bitness >inline
compareTo(const Aesi &value) const noexcept -> ComparisonAesi< bitness >inline
divide(const Aesi &number, const Aesi &divisor, Aesi &quotient, Aesi &remainder) noexcept -> voidAesi< bitness >inlinestatic
filledBlocksNumber() const noexcept -> std::size_tAesi< bitness >inline
getBit(std::size_t index) const noexcept -> boolAesi< bitness >inline
getBitness() noexcept -> std::size_tAesi< bitness >inlinestatic
getBlock(std::size_t index) const noexcept -> blockAesi< bitness >inline
getByte(std::size_t index) const noexcept -> byteAesi< bitness >inline
getString(Char *buffer, std::size_t bufferSize, bool showBase=false, bool hexUppercase=false) const noexcept -> std::size_tAesi< bitness >inline
integralCast() const noexcept -> IntegralAesi< bitness >inline
inverse() noexcept -> voidAesi< bitness >inline
isEven() const noexcept -> boolAesi< bitness >inline
isNegative() const noexcept -> boolAesi< bitness >inline
isOdd() const noexcept -> boolAesi< bitness >inline
isPositive() const noexcept -> boolAesi< bitness >inline
isZero() const noexcept -> boolAesi< bitness >inline
operator%(const Aesi &modulation, Integral modulo) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >friend
operator%(const Aesi &modulation, const Aesi &modulo) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >friend
operator%=(Aesi &modulation, Integral modulo) noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator%=(Aesi &modulation, const Aesi &modulo) noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator*(const Aesi &multiplication, Integral factor) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >friend
operator*(const Aesi &multiplication, const Aesi &factor) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >friend
operator*=(Aesi &multiplication, Integral factor) noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator*=(Aesi &multiplication, const Aesi &factor) noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator+() const noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >inline
operator+(const Aesi &addition, const Aesi &addendum) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >friend
operator++() noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >inline
operator++(int) &noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >inline
operator+=(Aesi &addition, const Aesi &addendum) noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator-() const noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >inline
operator-(const Aesi &subtraction, const Aesi &subtrahend) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >friend
operator--() noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >inline
operator--(int) &noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >inline
operator-=(Aesi &subtraction, const Aesi &subtrahend) noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator/(const Aesi &division, Integral divisor) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >friend
operator/(const Aesi &division, const Aesi &divisor) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >friend
operator/=(Aesi &division, Integral divisor) noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator/=(Aesi &division, const Aesi &divisor) noexcept -> Aesi &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator<<(std::basic_ostream< Char > &os, const Aesi &number) -> std::basic_ostream< Char > &Aesi< bitness >friend
operator<=>(const Aesi &other) const noexcept -> std::strong_orderingAesi< bitness >inline
operator<=>(const Object &other) const noexcept -> std::strong_orderingAesi< bitness >inline
operator=(Integral value) noexceptAesi< bitness >inline
operator=(const Aesi &other) noexcept=defaultAesi< bitness >
operator==(const Aesi &our, Integral integral) noexcept -> boolAesi< bitness >friend
operator==(const Aesi &our, const Aesi< otherBitness > &other) noexcept -> boolAesi< bitness >friend
power2(std::size_t power) noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >inlinestatic
precisionCast() const noexcept -> Aesi< newBitness >Aesi< bitness >inline
setBit(std::size_t index, bool bit) noexcept -> voidAesi< bitness >inline
setBlock(std::size_t index, block block) noexcept -> voidAesi< bitness >inline
setByte(std::size_t index, byte byte) noexcept -> voidAesi< bitness >inline
squareRoot() const noexcept -> AesiAesi< bitness >inline
swap(Aesi &other) noexcept -> voidAesi< bitness >inline
totalBlocksNumber() noexcept -> std::size_tAesi< bitness >inlinestatic
tryAtomicExchange(const Aesi &value) noexcept -> voidAesi< bitness >inline
tryAtomicSet(const Aesi &value) noexcept -> voidAesi< bitness >inline
unsignedCast() const noexcept -> Aeu< bitness >Aesi< bitness >inline
~Aesi() noexcept=defaultAesi< bitness >